MailConverter is a utility which converts mail and mail-like files of various sorts into Eudora or Z-Mail mailboxes. It can also be used in conjunction with Eumorpha to import files into Claris Emailer. In addition it can be used to generate rfc digests and to import a few kinds of nicknames into Eudora.
MailConverter works on several kinds of input files: Claris Emailer, mmdf, babyl, America Online, LeeMail, Pine, Elm, MacEMail, PopMail, eWorld, Genie, PC Eudora, Ricemail, cc:Mail (text archives only), vmsMail (text archives only), MSMail (text archives only), and CompuServe (text archives only) mail files; files saved from several news programs (NewsWatcher, nn, gnus); files saved from Eudora or Z-Mail; and any other text files that have typical mail headers at the beginning. Folders of files (recursively) can also be converted. Files which appear to be digests will automatically be burst. MailConverter will, of course, also inter-convert between Eudora and Z-Mail. Finally, it will import (only into Eudora) two sorts of address books (Pine and MacEMail), and it will generate rfc digests out of Eudora/Z-Mail mailboxes.
Read the User's Manual before proceeding, especially the Caveats And Comments section (special thanks to James Walker for Manual Maker, the program used to make the User's Manual).
Known bugs
After resizing, the Mailbox Window will sometimes (often) have visual anomalies left over. I don't know why this is happening...
Comments, Suggestions, and Bug Reports
Send any and all comments, positive or negative, to <>. Bug reports are especially welcome. If you find a reproducible bug, it would be very convenient if you could send me the mail files that are causing the trouble. Please send them as attachements, in some compressed format (eg .sit).
Usual disclaimer
MailConverter is solely my responsibility. BBN has nothing to do with it, Qualcomm has nothing to do with it. On the other hand, the responsibility for using this program is yours and yours alone. No warranties are implied. MailConverter is freeware — please distribute it! But include this Read Me and the the User's Manual if you do.